Wednesday, March 5, 2008

settling in


Hi All,
It’s been a few weeks since my last update…and not much to report. Living and working in one place is such a different experience from the constant travel I’m used to. No big travel stories of epic bus rides, new cities or hostel hangouts. Instead I’m settling into a routine and finding enjoyment (or at least a sense of accomplishment) in the little day to day tasks that I’m learning to take care of in a new country...

I’m really enjoying the new experience. The mundane tasks from home can easily become an adventure when living in a new place. For example….did you know it’s impossible to find a plunger in Bangalore…go ahead give it a try….but I assure you that after a day of zipping all over the city on my scooter, popping into every corner hardware/plumbing store, making many apparently obscene jesters, and receiving a dozen blank stares…there is no such apparatus in the entire city…just a random fact you probably didn’t need to know. Moving on....

I’m starting to rack up a nice little list of characters that I interact with daily. Since I moved here knowing no one, I take pride in this list, and find pleasure when I get to add to it. My interactions with people are different than when I’m on the road. I have neighbors, contacts, acquaintances and in many locals I’m becoming a regular. For example I have my Papaya Man, who sets up his cart at the end of my street every morning…He doesn’t speak a word of English, but we smile and nod as he cuts my morning papaya. He finally learned (to his amusement) that I take my papaya without the usual salt and pepper, and I no longer have to do my overacting charade involving multiple silly face to let him know I’ll take my papaya plain.

I’ve also established my local chai hang out, where I get my mid-afternoon caffeine fix. The cashier starts to ring up my chai before I say a word and they guy behind the counter has my drink served, piping hot and waiting. My Indian version of "Cheers". Kumar, who owns the local movie rental store, and I are on a first name basis, and he kindly overlooks my late fees, while giving me daily recommendations of (horrible) 2 year old american films. I have contact numbers in my phone for a plumber, electrician and banker. I’ve found the phone companies head office and know which line to stand in, no small feat. I have a jasmine lady, my favorite fruit stand, and my public pool, but my newest and favorite acquaintance is my ironing man.

As you probably know I’ve never been an “ironing type gal”…I’m more of a “this smells clean” type….however, ever since I’ve discovered there is a guy who will iron, fold and deliver my cloths in 30min for 3 rupees, I’ve been hooked and have even taken to getting my t-shirts and jeans ironed. I do laundry just so I can get things ironed...This guy’s work is spectacular. Origami like perfection in his folding technique, and it’s all done on a rickety old wood table, with an iron filled with coals, right on the street in front of my apartment.

So this is my ever growing community. Not a replacement for the one I’ve left back home, but one that I’m enjoying and love to see grow. Hope everyone is well..I’m sending you lots of sunshine and warmth from India, summer is arriving and it's getting HOT!

Best from Bangalore,

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